Welcoming New Horizons: Introducing Our Newest Kaimahi at Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau

Phoenix Ruka
March 30, 2024

As the sun rises on a new day at Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau, we stand at the threshold of an exciting chapter. It's with great pride and anticipation that we welcome a remarkable individual into our whānau, bringing his unique strengths, experiences, and visions to our collective journey.

Stuart Selkirk, our new Kai Urungi / Project Lead

Stuart Selkirk - Kai Urungi/Project Lead - Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau

Ko Tokatoka te maunga,

Te Wairoa te awa,

Māhuhukiterangi te waka,

Rongomai te tangata,

Ngāti Whātua te iwi,

Te Kuihi te hāpu,

Te Houhanga a Rongo te marae,

Ko Stuart Selkirk tōku ingoa

Tēnā tatou,  

I have taken the wero of filling Missy Armstrongs shoes - an impossible task.

However, I will be giving it my all, along with the fantastic Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau team who I am extremely fortunate to be working with!

My recent mahi has been in hauora, working at Te Whatu Ora in Whangārei and prior to that at Mahitahi Hauora/Manaia PHO. I have had various roles before these in travel, hospitality and training and owned different businesses in these sectors. I understand the commitment and sacrifice that many pākihi Māori have in their mahi and sometimes we all need a hand. The role that I see Whāriki playing is hugely important to our hāpori Māori. It is my intention to maintain the networking opportunities, encourage participation and welcome new ventures.  

Nau mai, haere mai!  

I look forward to connecting with you all kanohi ki te kanohi.    

As we embark on this journey together, let us extend our warmest welcome to Stuart. His arrival marks not just the addition of a new member to our team but the infusion of new ideas, energy, and possibilities that will propel us towards a future brimming with potential.

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