The Pick: Unleashing Business Potential in Te Tai Tokerau

Summer Joy Pocklington
February 1, 2024

About The Pick

The Pick is a Northland Inc initiative, and this year Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau are excited to be partnering with Northland Inc, McKay and Ministry of Social Development, with sponsors Northpower, Henderson Reeves, and the Flying Kiwi and together we will deliver a business ideas accelerator that stimulates a thriving, sustainable and inclusive economy in Te Tai Tokerau.  

A ten-week commitment of one hour per week (or up to three hours if preferred), The Pick is for those wanting to explore or kick start a business idea and get them out of your head and moving forward.  

The Pick supports people to learn skills, and to grow their idea into a business model, while supported by experts, mentors and other budding entrepreneurs.  

At the conclusion of this programme, five finalists will be chosen to present their ideas and given extra support to prepare to pitch their idea to a room of friends, experts, and media. There will be one overall winner and a runner up who will receive a package of fantastic prizes.  

You don’t need to have all the answers to start - you just have to be willing to take the first step. A worthwhile programme that could take you somewhere GREAT!  

Key Highlights of The Pick:

  • Partnership for Growth: Collaborative initiative by Northland Inc, Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau, and more.
  • Time Commitment: Flexible 1-3 hours per week for 10 weeks.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from mentors and experts in the field.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow entrepreneurs.
  • Final Pitch Event: Showcase your idea to win amazing prizes.

Who Should Join?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs with a business idea.
  • Individuals ready to take their first step in the business world.
  • Anyone looking to learn and grow in a supportive environment.

Important Dates:

  • Entry Deadline: Midnight, 18th February 2024.
  • Program Duration: 10 weeks, starting soon.

How to Enter:

Visit for complete details and entry submission.

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