Maximising Your Business Visibility with the Whāriki Business Directory

Matt Pryor
November 16, 2023

In today’s digital world, it’s key that your pakihi is easily discoverable online by potential customers. That’s where Whāriki can help – our Directory makes it easy for potential customers to find you.

We've been working away behind the scenes, polishing the Whāriki Directory for a smoother user experience. But here's the deal: this directory is only as good as the info we've got in it.

If you're a Māori business owner with a listing on the Whāriki Directory, we'd love your help. Take a quick peek at your business listing. Accuracy and keeping things up-to-date are super important. Got any tweaks or extra info to add? Let us know.

Wondering why it's crucial to keep your listing up-to-date?

  • Shine Brighter: The Whāriki Business Directory is prime real estate for hunting down Māori-owned businesses. Being here amps up your visibility, potentially bringing more digital foot traffic your way.
  • SEO Perks: A listing on a digital business directory, like Whāriki, is called a backlink; this is where one website links to another. Google views these as a digital endorsement; it shows the content on your website is valuable, credible, or more relevant. This can help your business's website rank higher in Google searches, and therefore more likely to be clicked by potential customers.
  • Building Community: By keeping your information sharp on Whāriki, you are part of a powerful community of Māori enterprises, helping us all grow together.
Of the top Google search terms where Whāriki shows up, 50% of them are searching for Māori-owned businesses. 50% of visitors to the Whāriki Business Directory have come back to search the Directory again in the past 30 days.

Our Directory is a buzzing hive, hosting nearly 500 (and growing) pakihi Māori from all corners of Aotearoa, covering almost every industry you can think of. Let's team up and spruce up your business listing on Whāriki, making sure your digital presence is strong!

Need to update up your Whāriki listing? Get in touch with us anytime. We're here to champion Māori businesses and make our directory a shining beacon for pakihi Māori. Email

Over 500 visits to whā in the past 30 days are from people searching for Māori-owned businesses. Users spend an average of two minutes searching the directory - the benchmark is 52 seconds, meaning people are spending a good amount of time looking for pakihi Māori.

Minimum information required for your listing:

  • Your business name
  • A brief description about what your business does
  • Your iwi affiliations
  • Contact phone and/or email
  • A high-resolution image that will catch the eye of potential customers (300 X 370 pixels)
  • 3 - 5 key words that people can use to search for your business

Ideal inclusions:

  • Website address; and/or
  • Social media handles

Not a member of Whāriki yet?

You can sign up your business to the Whāriki network by clicking here.

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